New Backgrounds...
Simply replacing the background of an existing photograph can make an impact. The resulting composite may be dramatically different than the original photograph, changing the weather, mood, tone, even time of day.
We have a large collection of photographs that make great backgrounds; flowers, water, sunsets, the moon, etc. If you have the subject photograph, but not the background, just ask.
The original background here was grey and dull. The addition of a sunset makes this an amazing shot.
Two photographs - one of the lighthouse and the other of the moon - are composited to change a daylight scene to night. The original photograph (below, left) was taken midday under a featurless sky. The addition of moonglow to the trees and water is what makes this photo work.
The composite on the right is certainly more unconventional. Consider how you'll use your completed piece. What mood do you want to invoke? What colors do you want to include? Try something unusual.
Again, we have the original photograph on the left. Although, this time the result on the right is not a composite of two photographs. The background is entirely computer generated. We've taken a rather ordinary looking shot and made it appear that the horse was taken to a photography studio and posed for the camera!
Altering vacation pictures may seem controversial to some. They argue that these photos are a record of what you've seen and shouldn't be changed. But, who would want to remember the ugly construction barricades in the original photograph here? Substitute another vacation picture in the background and now you have a 2-for-1. Notice, too, that the color temperature of the original portion of the photograph has been altered to match the new background.